Collection: About Our Brand
What we Represent
Dior Apothecary is a luxury natural bath, body & skincare internet-based boutique that sells premium quality affordable products to meet the diverse market worldwide. Our goal is to make you feel confident and sexy without breaking the bank. This relaunch features a host of male products to further accentuate their aesthetic the natural way. Unlike many products with toxic contents. The products at Dior Apothecary have been carefully researched, formulated, and tested to make everyone a diva without compromising the quality of their health.
Why Organic Products?
Mother Nature has blessed us with so many natural and useful things in this world so why not take advantage of them? Organic products has no added preservatives or toxins that will harm your body. Because of this your body will benefit greatly because it will be getting all the nutrients that is usually cut out with the added preservatives. Our brand is affordable and is guaranteed to make a positive difference in your life.
Meet The CEO
Dior Apothecary, Inc was founded by Tye Downing. She is the author of "Urban Girl Chronicles: Love & Loyalty", "Money, Power & Success". She is also the host of the YouTube show "Stuttering Towards Success". She has a hustler's mentality and strives to make her dreams & goals a reality. Tye loves writing, online shopping & thinking of new ideas for many streams of income. Dior Apothecary has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Every year we re-brand to give our customers an everlasting changing experience. We move forward with the times not remain stagnant. Tye is always looking to link up with other Authors or business owners for opportunities. So if you or someone you know have any ideas email
"I have the mindset If the CEO of Amazon can become a Trillionaire so can I" ~Tye~
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